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Below you can find the commands available in the Composabl CLI.


composabl loginLogin to the Composabl platform


composabl agent train --json-path <PATH>Train the agent based on the JSON Structure provided
composabl agent visualizeVisualize the agent structure

Sim (composabl sim)

composabl sim new --name <NAME> --description <DESCRIPTION> --location <PATH>Create a new sim template. This will create the boilerplate required to submit a sim
composabl sim validate <PATH>Validates the simulator at the given path
composabl sim validate --path <PATH>Validates the simulator at the given path
composabl sim validate --address <ADDRESS>Validates the simulator running at the given address
composabl sim run <PATH>Run the sim created through the command above locally (useful for development)
composabl sim listList the running sims
composabl sim stop --sim-id <SIM_ID>Stop the running sim
composabl sim stopStop all the running sim
composabl sim mappings --address <ADDRESS> --image <IMAGE>Based on the address or image, get the mappings for a Sim its observation and action space

Perceptor (composabl perceptor)

composabl perceptor new --name <NAME> --description <DESCRIPTION> --location <PATH>Create a new perceptor template. This will create the boilerplate required to submit a perceptor
composabl perceptor publish <PATH>Publish the perceptor to the NoCode app

Skill (composabl skill)

composabl skill new --name <NAME> --description <DESCRIPTION> --location <PATH>Create a new skill template. This will create the boilerplate required to submit a skill
composabl skill publish <PATH>Publish the skill to the NoCode app

Selector (composabl selector)

composabl selector new --name <NAME> --description <DESCRIPTION> --location <PATH>Create a new selector template. This will create the boilerplate required to submit a selector
composabl selector publish <PATH>Publish the selector to the NoCode app

Job (composabl job)

composabl job list List the running jobs
composabl job stop <JOB_ID>Stop the running job
composabl job submit --path <PATH> --job-id <JOB_ID> --json <JSON> --template-path <TEMPLATE_PATH>Submit a job for training